Bookcase Fireplace Remodel
Custom Bookcase and Fireplace
Kitchen Cabinetry Remodel
Custom Kitchen Cabinets

bathroom remodel before

bathroom remodel after

kitchen remodel before

kitchen remodel after

kitchen remodel before

kitchen remodel after

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Our Contact Information

I aim to return all calls and messages within one business day (and can often get back to you much sooner). My standard hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.

 By Phone

This is the best way to get a hold of me. Call 253-632-4802. If you get voice mail, please, please leave a message. All calls route to my cell phone, and I check my voicemails carefully.

 By Email

Messages sent using the form on this site, go directly to my personal email, which I check regularly on my cell phone.

 Mailing Address

Pro-Built Construction
10605 SE 240th St #652
Kent, WA, 98031